Remko Kraaijeveld Photography BV
Nieuwendammerkade 26 M9
1022 AB  Amsterdam

Recognized for his refreshing award winning food and advertising photography, Remko Kraaijeveld, a renowned Amsterdam based photographer, is an artist in light and composition.
With an eye for detail and a “less is more” approach,his photos have a strong personal signature.

The beginning of his career saw a dedication primarily to food photography, and he worked in this field for over twelve years, for both national and international clients.
His photography has been published in numerous magazines, catalogues, advertisements, and more than fifty cookbooks.
In recent years Remko has taken on challenges away from food photography, proving that his talent and expertise is limitless.
His motto is that “excellent photography isn't just about finding a certain style and sticking to it. It's about looking at what's there and using it, often with surprising results.”

Remko strives for the perfect picture, and his dedication to both client and project deliver breathtaking images.

Specialties: Food,stills and portrait photography

