Johan Nieuwenhuize

Johan Nieuwenhuize (Oost-Souburg, the Netherlands, 1980) is a Dutch photographer, artist and curator.
In 2006 Nieuwenhuize received a Bachelor degree in photography from the Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague. Ever since he received several grants from Fonds BKVB / Mondriaan Fund and Stroom Den Haag. From August 2011 until March 2015 he was curator and director of Platform57 a platform for site specific contemporary art, which he also initiated.
His work has been shown at Van Kranendonk Gallery in Den Haag, the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre in Beijing, De Kabinetten van De Vleeshal in Middelburg, Street Level Photoworks in Glasgow and Fotomuseum Den Haag.
Johan Nieuwenhuize was assigned by Koninklijke Schouwburg Den Haag, Volkskrant Magazine, NRC Handelsblad and Paradox, Edam.
His work has been published in NRC M Magazine,, YVI Magazine and de Volkskrant.
His work is represented in art collections of The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, VUMC, Twynstra Gudde, Fotografisk Center Copenhagen, Collectie Reyn van der Lugt, Rotterdam and Collectie Pieter en Marieke Sanders, Haarlem.
In November 2011 he self-published his first book, MADE IN CHINA. His second book IMG_ was published by Kehrer Verlag in April 2014.
Johan Nieuwenhuize lives and works in The Hague, the Netherlands.
He is a member of DuPho and is represented by Van Kranendonk Gallery and Art Agent Orange. The projects of Johan Nieuwenhuize are made possible by The Shareholders, Stroom Den Haag and Mondriaan Fund