Sluisweg 59
2225 XJ  Katwijk ZH

After always having love for photography, I started in 1999 with the education of creative photographers which was led by Han Sieveking in Amsterdam. After 3 years of hard work I finished the education with specialization in Portret and Stills.

During this education I could work at a big commercial studio where I worked for years and had a lot of experience with studio photography, interior and exterior. In the beginning only analogue with all different formats of cameras, but quickly after that we started to work digitally already.

From there on I started my own company in 2011, and I still enjoy it to do different disciplines within my photography. You can surely find this on my website; portret, stills, interior/exterior and travel.

What I like so much about photography is that you can keep on developing yourself. It’s inexhaustible…

When you like my photographs come look at my website regularly and maybe I can help you sometime…

When you need some help with coming in contact with me for an eventual assignment, I invite you to check the page “recommendations”

Kind regards,

Peter de Jong | PDJPhoto