Tempeliersstraat 30 zwart
2012 EE  Haarlem
06 552 970 50

It's not about my -photography- style, its about being close and in the moment. Here and now. About characteristics and emotions that arise in different settings and places, all over the world.

I enjoy pure contact, it's about being close and in the moment. Next to that, it's about gear: I am shooting with a Nikon D850 full-frame FX-format digital SLR camera and a Fuji X-T3 for exceptional image quality.  

I am a photographer, specialized in brand management. After finishing Graphic School, I graduated for my Bachelors in Communications. With more than 15 years of work experience in communications and online -campaign- marketing at different agencies, plus working as a brand/project manager for various event & festival organizations, I am more than 'just' a photographer. I am a visual artist.

From that perspective - using all my knowledge and experience, equipped with the best professional gear available - I can help you translate your concept to the pure essence of your brand: in high-quality images.

My graphic background and knowledge and experience in communications, are a big asset in my photography. I am able to contribute from a graphic perspective and add real value in the translation process from abstract concepts to images that are appealing for - and understood - by your target groups. Next to my photography, I also design websites, social media content, brochures, posters and magazines. 

Recently, I shifted my photography to focus more on NGOs and non-profit organisations with profound social relevance. By telling their stories, I can show my audience what is happening around the world without the need to travel. The main goal of my work is to open conversations.

‘Everyone has a story. Looking at the differences in people actually teaches us that we’re really not that different from each other at all. Fundamentally, we’re all humans. We’re all nature. That unites us. And by exchanging knowledge, by sharing stories, we can inspire each other, making us smarter and stronger as a whole. To me, that’s where the magic happens.’

CURRENT EXPOSITION: SDG's x ART - Art'otel Amsterdam - 23 november - 6 december 2019.